



卻在另一個報導看到:Google的無人駕駛車是否能上路,還是未知數。因為加州車輛管理局(California Department of Motor Vehicles,下簡稱DMV)說無人駕駛車內要有駕駛(這是鬼故事嗎?)


原來,加州車輛管理局於16日發布一項草案意見徵詢的公告。這項草案為《自動駕駛車的佈署細則(Draft autonomous vehicle deployment regulations)》,目前正開放徵詢大眾有關自動駕駛車未來將於加州上路的意見。


加州車輛管理局的局長Jean Shiomoto提到:「這個細則最大的目標,是要確保自動駕駛車的安全問題,以及保障同樣是用路人的用路安全。」的確,自動駕駛車的安全一直是被詬病的地方,例如當有車禍發生,責任究竟在誰?而Google也致力於解決此類問題,並替相關技術申請了專利(請參閱:Google申請車輛溝通專利,欲改善無人駕駛車安全問題)。



  • 製造商認證/第三方檢驗



  • 車輛內需有執照的駕駛

車輛內需配置有一名持有執照的操作者,且能在緊急情況時作出相關處置措施。就無人駕駛車(Driverless vehicles)的部份,將先被本草案排除在外。未來,局方將對其作出專屬規範。


  • 三年的佈署許可



  • 隱私與網路安全要求





或許,在討論科技廠的無人駕駛車、自動駕駛車,是不是將被哪一項規範限制之前。我們要先好好定義一下 Autonomous Vehicles 和 Driverless Vehicles 的差別到底是什麼?







December 16, 2015

DMV Releases Draft Requirements for Public Deployment of Autonomous Vehicles State Seeks Public Comment on Draft Document

Sacramento—The California Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV) has released draft autonomous vehicle deployment regulations for public comment. This is the next step toward allowing the public to operate self-driving cars on California roadways in the future.


“The primary focus of the deployment regulations is the safety of autonomous vehicles and the safety of the public who will share the road with these vehicles,” said DMV Director Jean Shiomoto. “We want to get public input on these draft regulations before we initiate the formal regulatory rule making process.”


The draft regulations are intended to promote the continued development of autonomous vehicle technology in California, while transitioning manufacturers from testing to deployment of self-driving cars. Upcoming public workshops are intended to gather input from industry, consumer and public interest groups, academics, as well as the public, to help improve the quality of the regulations that will eventually be adopted for the operation of self-driving vehicles.


Senate Bill 1298 (Chapter 570; Statutes of 2012) required the DMV to adopt regulations governing both the testing and the use of autonomous vehicles on public roadways. In September 2014, DMV announced the regulations for manufacturers to test the vehicles. Today’s draft regulations address the future use of autonomous vehicles by the public.


The draft regulations are designed to address complex questions related to vehicle safety, certification, operator responsibilities, licensing and registration, privacy, and cyber-security. Key aspects of the draft regulations include:


  1. Manufacturer Certification/Third Party Testing:

Manufacturers will certify to their compliance with specific autonomous vehicle safety and performance requirements.  In addition, a third-party testing organization will be required to conduct a vehicle demonstration test to provide an independent performance verification of the vehicle.


  1. Licensed Driver Required in Vehicle:

A licensed operator will be required to be present inside the vehicle and be capable of taking control in the event of a technology failure or other emergency.  Driverless vehicles are initially excluded from deployment.  The department will address the unique safety, performance, and equipment requirements associated with fully autonomous vehicles in subsequent regulatory packages.


  1. Three-Year Deployment Permit:

Manufacturers will be approved for a three-year deployment permit, which will require them to regularly report on the performance, safety, and usage of autonomous vehicles.  This provisional permit is a critical first step towards the full deployment of autonomous vehicles in California.   Data collected throughout the permit term will provide an opportunity to evaluate the safety and real-world performance of autonomous vehicles and inform subsequent regulatory actions by the department.


  1. Privacy and Cyber-Security Requirements:

Manufacturers must disclose to the operator if information is collected, other than the information needed to safely operate the vehicle. Manufacturers will be required to obtain approval to collect this additional information. Autonomous vehicles will be equipped with self-diagnostic capabilities that detect and respond to cyber-attacks or other unauthorized intrusions, alert the operator, and allow for an operator override.


(Cover photo credit:Marc van der Chijs@flickr CC BY SA 2.0.)


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